Episode 2 – Pietro Proserpio: a wizard of wisdom in a corner of a bookstore
This is a story of a man who defied the rules of time. Pietro Proserpio dedicated himself to a noble art that illustrates the kindness of his wise words. …
We need to start treating people like dogs. Here’s why
Have you ever wondered why do we treat dogs better than people? That's because they trust. Here's my reflection about why we should start doing the same. …
Feedback: the hidden treasure of human progress
Are we willing to provide honest, constructive feedback to our social network on a regular basis? Are we willing to listen carefully to what people have to say concerning our way of acting? I relied on the power of the greatest pop hits like 'Wannabe' …
Episode 1 – Cool Kiwis: A couple who fell in love with Lisbon
I met these two cool kiwis when I was studying at The Mill, a coffee shop in Lisbon. Luis was working there and Alice waiting for his shift to end. We started talking and I invited them to share their story. Some days after, there …
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