Personal Branding & Storytelling Workshop
Católica Lisbon

Since February 2019, I’ve been collaborating with Católica Lisbon University as an instructor of their Career Accelerator Lab (Masters of Science Programs). The workshop “Personal Branding: Storytelling tools for an effective communication” intends to introduce students to to storytelling’s magic world. The main objective is to leverage their personal brand through a cohesive, engaging narrative that enhances their unique value proposition while matching their career goals and motivations.
Complementary objectives include:
1) Understand why and how storytelling is a powerful communication tool to engage an audience;
2) Raise students’ self-awareness regarding their personality traits and competencies, as well as critical life events;
3) Learn the main principles of developing a personal cohesive, engaging story;
4) Align students’ narratives with their career options along with the job market’s needs and expectations;
5) Prepare students to build and grow their personal brand in the digital era through storytelling content creation.
Over three sessions, Católica’s Master students will learn 4 Principles of How to Tell a Great Story. These principles are sequential and universal, which facilitates their implementation regardless of the format (online or offline) and the audience profile. The workshop’s atmosphere is informal and interactive, with a practical approach. Accordingly, students will gain “human skills” for their creative self-development, whose result is the following: a powerful personal brand sustained by memorable stories!
Lisbon Live Story challenge
The workshop’s last session provides students with a real-life experience in which they can apply the acquired knowledge from the first two sessions. So what is the Lisbon Live Story challenge about? In short, students are encouraged to walk around Lisbon’s downtown and invite 2 people to tell them their stories. It’s a magical experience for them because they get the chance to embody the character of a real storyteller: someone curious, kind and human; someone who’s willing to connect with people and learn from their stories regardless of one’s age, gender, country of origin, race, religion, status or social condition.
Check the video and meet Antonia! She’s a German student who tells how storytelling empowers our brands.
If you need customized storytelling training, get in touch with me!