Episode 1 – Cool Kiwis: A couple who fell in love with Lisbon

“The guy that painted my house in New Zealand played an orc in The Lord of the Rings”
Cool kiwis. Alice and Luis are a couple from New Zealand who decided to settle in Lisbon during a trip over Europe. I met them at The Mill, the coffee shop where Luís was working at, and so I invited them to share their story by means of a chill conversation.
Sitting in the chairs of a Lisbon’s church, we talked about cultural differences (and similarities) between Portugal and New Zealand; Tinder, social media and today’s relationships along with life in general. They were such a great company that we ended up having some drinks after the show.
Transparent and open-minded, two lovely persons you must meet! Enjoy the episode 🙂
“I’d change the mentality around consuming meat to vegetarian/vegan considering that animal agriculture is 90% of why the world is at the point it is with the global warming… Another thing I’d change would be how countries have invaded other countries to try to fix them when they’re not fixing at all.”
“The thing I’d really like to see solved is poverty but I don’t even know where to start… I saw this video about this guy in India who used to own a hotel and then one day he just cracked like “what am I doing?” He saw the state of his country, the poverty was growing and he sold his hotel and dedicated his life to just feeding people… He’d make these big pots of curry and rice and he’d just drive around and feed this people. It touched my heart.”