Bluesoft – Digital Education Reputation
About the project
Bluesoft is an agency specialized in digital reputation by developing tech-based solutions to meet its clients’ online needs. From digital marketing, creativity/web development to social media, they implement digital strategies based on SEO optimization. Their process involves an in-depth analysis of a brand’s target audience as well as the relevant keywords so that its services rank in the first pages of a search engine like Google.
Pedro Duarte, Bluesoft’s CEO, challenged me to write an article per week to post on their blog, blending my storytelling expertise with the company’s core business. Each week I was given the main topic and its keywords to comply with SEO best practices. In writing each article, I followed the same procedure:
1) Research the company’s services, partners and clients;
2) Incorporate its value proposition in a compelling narrative.
Copywriting work
These are the articles I wrote for Bluesoft’s blog during the second half of 2018:
1) Marketing de Conteúdo | Semear para poder Colher
2) Influencer Marketing | O Princípio do Fim?
3) SEO (Search Online Optimization) | O Marketing Digital em busca da Amizade
4) Estratégia Digital | Planear para cantar Vitória
5) Roteiro Bluesoft | Meu Querido mês de Agosto
6) Responsabilidade Ambiental | A Gota mais Preciosa do Oceano
7) Humanidades | O Patinho-feio que virou Cisne
8) Estratégia Digital | A Âncora de um Investimento sem risco
9) Bluesoft | A Reputação Digital no berço de uma garagem
If your company has a blog, but you don’t have time or resources to create engaging content, get in touch with me!