Make-A-Connection | Fundação Make-A-Wish Portugal

About the project

Make-A-Wish Foundation is an incredible non-profit organization that transforms the lives of terminally ill children, making their wishes come true. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Make-A-Wish Portugal has organized its “Make-a-Connection” online events with one clear purpose: “What drives you?”

In July 2020, I gave a masterclass to their team about what drives me the most in life: telling stories. During the event, I presented a 3-step storytelling structure adapted to their “Wish Journey” so that the personnel had a simple formula to perpetuate the children’s magical stories. Lastly, they were given tips on how to collect and organize content.

Looking back, it was an honour to help Make-A-Wish Portugal. These people make ill children smile, providing them with moments of strength, joy and hope.

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FELIZ DIA MUNDIAL DA CRIANÇA! Na Make-A-Wish todos os dias se celebram as crianças (e o ser criança!)! São celebrados os melhores sorrisos do mundo, as gargalhadas contagiantes, os sonhos infinitos, os abraços que aconchegam, as emoções, as histórias partilhadas, as conquistas de todos (e de cada um!). São celebrados os desejos (a sua realização!) como uma ode à vida e à esperança, em família e entre amigos! O foco da Make-A-Wish são as crianças – os pequenos (GRANDES) heróis que diariamente inspiram e surpreendem todos os que se envolvem com a missão. 💙 #diamundialdacriança #felizdiamundialdacriança #happykids #crianças #melhoressorrisos #sorrisos #smile #realizardesejosfazbem

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