Workshop Week

ESTIEM LG Coimbra is one of the local groups of ESTIEM (European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management). Based in the University of Coimbra, ESTIEM LG Coimbra was founded in 2011 along with their mother association, AEGI-UC, but only in 2013 was officially considered a Local Group of ESTIEM.
In symbiosis, ESTIEM LG Coimbra and AEGI-UC built an association that allow students to develop their professional and personal skills. Over the years, they organized both local and international events such as the Workshop Week.
Accordingly, in 2021 I was invited to give a workshop about “Personal Branding”. This is a trending topic within the academic community, since everyone needs practical tools to differentiate their skills in cover letters and job interviews. Having said that, students left the training session with a set of questions to reflect on:
- What are my superpowers?
- What are the traits that make me a unique being in this world?
- Which academic projects better sustain my skills and competencies?
- What are the virtues my friends and family recognize in my character?
- How critical is the role of the engineer-manager in organizations?
If your university is looking for an exciting masterclass, get in touch with me!